What is Monavie?                                             Click for pdf version


Monavie  is a so-called ‘superfood’ health drink based around acai berries (that's ah-sigh-ee) plus 18 other fruit extracts, harvested sustainably in the Amazon basin and made using a unique process, which preserves all the essential compounds intact, unlike the commercially produced acai found in 'health shops'.

But you can't buy it in the shops, it can only be obtained through direct contact with health professionals and others in the industry.

Açai contains concentrated levels of polyphenols - a powerful family of antioxidants that assists in neutralizing the harmful effects free radicals can have on your body.

We drink it daily and we consider we get younger every day!

Why drink it?

It gives your body the resources it needs to help fight free radicals and helps you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

The following benefits are confirmed in publicly available lab reports and independent studies: 1

·        Enhances anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activity - which neutralises free radicals, and deters cell degeneration and disorders: this also reduces the wasted energy of cell regeneration.

·        The acai berry contains literally every essential vitamin and nutrient, (except Vitamin K)  plus oils (including omega 3) and fibre, so one glass of the juice forms a complete daily intake of essentials.

·        Has low Glycemic Index ratings.

Preliminary studies carried out elsewhere, with positive initial results, indicate:  (Note this is not yet publicly endorsed by Monavie as they have to be very careful with health claims,under US company law)

Most people are rightly sceptical about 'miracle health potions' etc. Me too. I have checked the science and the company and tried to find fault but haven't succeeded so far.  It ticks all these boxes:

·         Sustainably harvested in the Brazilian Amazon flood basin from acai palm trees.

·         Supports local economy using local workers.

·         High quality product with a unique patented freeze drying process which preserves the 3000 active compounds in the acai berry (otherwise it just becomes acai fruit juice  which is what you get elsewhere)

·         Direct selling system, to cut out commercial middlemen and advertising costs.

·         Ethical company, which uses large part of profits to  build schools in the Amazon basin and support child poverty projects in Brazil via the MORE Project

·         Scientific claims are backed by many lab reports which are freely available online.

Other acai juice products should be compared, and tasted; the difference is like that between cheap plonk and fine wine.  The unique factor in Monavie is the quality of the fruit and the process which retains the essential phytonutrient compounds intact. The ORAC (anti-oxidant) score of the freeze-dried product has been measured as ten times that of comparables.

It’s not cheap but then neither is Dom Perignon.  It costs the equivalent of a cup of Starbucks coffee per day.  We have been drinking it for many months and simply feel healthier and younger. Just taste it and you will understand why people buy it.

So if you want to know more, contact me richardfbird@gmail.com


So.. that was all about health.

Now how about wealth?

We started by just drinking it.  Now we are distributors, in UK and France.

Why did we get involved?

Firstly, we think its amazing stuff!

Secondly, distributors have the opportunity to

And the best part - if you do the same, you will have many appreciative friends who will thank you, and live longer and healthier lives. Is that not the greatest gift you can both give and receive?

If you are interested in this aspect, please do contact me:  richardfbird@gmail.com

But don't leave it until 'tomorrow'. Tomorrow is a disease!


Summary put together by Richard Bird 2010.   

Read  my  Collected Articles on Monavie/Acai

Main Monavie website  www.monavie.com



1 (see http://www.monavie.com/Web/US/en/science.dhtml ) and
